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Paul Philip Levertoff — Jewish Scholar, Anglican Priest, Chasidic Mystic

In this Yachad BeYeshua webinar we listen in on a conversation with Ephraim Radner and Richard Harvey as they explore the life and ministry of Paul Philip Levertoff.

A great-nephew of the founder of the Chabad branch of Chasidism, Paul Philip Levertoff (1878-1954) became a disciple of Yeshua after studying at the famed Volozhin Yeshiva in Lithuania. His life journey took him to England, where he became an Anglican priest and one of the world’s foremost authorities on Jewish mysticism. Levertoff championed the vision of a distinct Hebrew Christian Church, with its own government and liturgy. He never lost his love for traditional Judaism, and so is often regarded as one of the forerunners of the Messianic Jewish movement. Yet he was also a High-Church Anglican. Clearly, his was a life that has something to teach us all!

January 12

Abram Poljak: Prophetic Visionary and Institution-Builder

April 13

The Passover / Easter Connection