Our Team
International Coordinating Committee
The mission and activities of Yachad BeYeshua are coordinated by an International Coordinating Committee (ICC) presided over by three moderators.
For a more detailed description of the role of the International Coordinating Committee, see the Yachad BeYeshua Charter.
Mark Kinzer (Founding Moderator)
Mark Kinzer is President Emeritus of Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Zera Avraham in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and co-founder with Antoine Levy of the Helsinki Consultation.
Jen Rosner (Moderator)
Jen Rosner is affiliate assistant professor of systematic theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. She and her family live in northern California.
Lee B. Spitzer (Moderator)
Lee B. Spitzer is Affiliate Professor of Church History at Northern Seminary in Chicago and Historian for the Baptist World Alliance. He is the retired General Secretary of the American Baptist Churches USA.
Judith Wolfe (Moderator)
Judith Wolfe is Professor of Philosophical Theology at the University of St Andrews, where she serves as Director of the Graduate Programme in Theology and the Arts.