Introducing Yachad BeYeshua (Together in Jesus)

Yachad BeYeshua is a newly formed international fellowship of Jewish disciples of Jesus who participate in diverse synagogue and church communities. Some of us identify as Messianic Jews, others as Jewish Christians, and still others as Hebrew Catholics. But we all share a love for Jesus, a love for Israel—that is, for all of our Jewish brothers and sisters-- and a love for the Body of Messiah. Our goal in Yachad BeYeshua is to unite Jewish disciples of Jesus in loving fellowship as a witness to God’s faithfulness to Israel and the Church.

This webinar will feature an interview with Rabbi Mark Kinzer, the Moderator of Yachad BeYeshua, and Fr. Antoine Levy, O.P., a member of the Yachad BeYeshua International Coordinating Committee. Mark and Antoine co-chaired an interconfessional group of scholars which gave birth to Yachad BeYeshua. They will tell the story of how Yachad BeYeshua came to be.

The webinar will also include Debbie Herbeck, a leading Jewish Catholic, who will tell her story of coming to faith in Jesus and seeking to live that faith in a Jewish way.


OCT Webinar Follow-up